


Connect on the Cutting Edge.

New forms of communications are changing everything.


Cutting edge communication technologies are being developed all over the planet at accelerating speed, changing the way people and organizations can connect. Entango leverages these technologies to offer our clients easy to use, scalable communication tools and solutions. Our solutions empower users to maintain global connections with audiences in powerful ways previously not possible or cost effective.  

Why do we call ourselves Entango? Entango is a play on the idea of quantum entanglement, a funky physics term to describe the phenomenon by which particles, once connected, remain connected even when far apart. We believe human interaction should be the same, and we deploy tools that keep the world together, even when far apart.

Precision of communication is important, more important than ever, in our era of hair trigger balances, when a false or misunderstood word may create as much disaster as a sudden thoughtless act.
— James Thurber

Deeper Connection


Build meaningful relationships.

Enhance important relationships in compelling ways.


Entango’s solutions enable deeper, more meaningful connections. We use technology to return to the security and connection of a one-on-one interaction, even when deployed on mass scale. We offer solutions for the public and private sectors, and seek to penetrate industry verticals that would benefit from new, more compelling methods of connectivity. 

Communication leads to community, that is, to understanding, intimacy and mutual valuing.
— Rollo May

Meaningful Impact


Make a Positive Global Impact.

Partnering with a purpose.


Entango is a for-profit social venture committed to building partnerships that blend positive impact with recurring revenue in sustainable business models. 

Our leadership has committed to reinvest up to 20% of our annual net profits to social impact programs and related partnerships, locally and globally. 

When the trust account is high, communication is easy, instant, and effective.
— Stephen R. Covey